"Most of the people who have no use for Bitcoin don’t understand it, and the same can be said about gold. This makes gold and Bitcoin spiritual twins; one has been born into the physical world, the other into the digital."
edit: The truth hurts, I guess. In my experience a lot of the bitcoin butthurt comes from people who wish they got in on it sooner.
"Most of the people who have no use for Bitcoin don’t understand it, and the same can be said about gold. This makes gold and Bitcoin spiritual twins; one has been born into the physical world, the other into the digital."
edit: The truth hurts, I guess. In my experience a lot of the bitcoin butthurt comes from people who wish the got in on it sooner.
"Most of the people who have no use for Bitcoin don’t understand it, and the same can be said about gold. This makes gold and Bitcoin spiritual twins; one has been born into the physical world, the other into the digital."