They are birds of a feather, the uniparty. We have been operating under the illusion of a two party system for decades. We have been denied choice in truth and in fact. Our nation has been an oligarchy since before most of us were born. We have all been in the matrix, unaware of reality, bound in Platos cave.
They are birds of a feather. The uniparty. We have been operating under the illusion of a two party system for decades. We have been denied choice in truth and in fact. Our nation has been an oligarchy since before most of us were born. We have all been in the matrix, unaware of reality, bound in Platos cave.
They are birds of a feather. The uniparty. We have been operating under the illusion of a two party system for decades. We have been denied choice in truth and in fact. Our nation has been an oligarchy since before most of us were born. We have all been in the matrix, unaware of reality. Platos cave.
They are birds of a feather. The uniparty. We have been operating under the illusion of a two party system for decades. We have been denied choice in truth and in fact. Our nation has been an oligarchy since before most of us were born.