You are retarded.
I know you don't understand the news. You get your news directly from GEOTUS sources. I am speaking about the larger world. These are people not clued in to GAW or Parler or Gab or chans or kuns or Trump rallies. There are millions of these Americans. The AZ GOP has abdicated its chance to communicate a forceful case to the majority of Americans. Trump alone makes this forceful case.
If that sounds like a "child's" view, I will presume that things too hard for you to comprehend are things you consider childish. You should print out my comments and take them to a grownup. They will explain to you what I'm saying.
You are retarded.
I know you don't understand the news. You get your news directly from GEOTUS sources. I am speaking about the larger world. These are people not clued in to GAW or Parler or Gab or Trump rallies. There are millions of these Americans. The AZ GOP has abdicated its chance to communicate a forceful case to the majority of Americans. Trump alone makes this forceful case.
If that sounds like a "child's" view, I will presume that things too hard for you to comprehend are things you consider childish. You should print out my comments and take them to a grownup. They will explain to you what I'm saying.