Having worked at a port, I can guarantee you they're not holding onto goods. At least not shipping containers. If someone comes in to pick up a load they give it to them, as long as the paperwork is in order and they've paid for the shipping. It's possible Customs or the USDA has a bunch of stuff on hold. But "the port" would not just let containers pile up for no reason. Edit to add: saw a comment below about the port workers being slow to unload the ships. That's definitely a possibility, especially if they're in contract negotiations. Quite possible longshore unions are connected to the deep state.
Having worked at a port, I can guarantee you they're not holding onto goods. At least not shipping containers. If someone comes in to pick up a load they give it to them, as long as the paperwork is in order and they've paid for the shipping. It's possible Customs or the USDA has a bunch of stuff on hold. But "the port" would not just let containers pile up for no reason. Edit to add: saw a comment below about the port workers being slow to unload the ships. That's definitely a possibility, especially if they're in contract negotiations. I think longshore unions are connected to the deep state.
Having worked at a port, I can guarantee you they're not holding onto goods. At least not shipping containers. If someone comes in to pick up a load they give it to them, as long as the paperwork is in order and they've paid for the shipping. It's possible Customs or the USDA has a bunch of stuff on hold. But "the port" would not just let containers pile up for no reason.