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Reason: None provided.

You can find the reference to possible drug interaction between Quercetin and Ivermectin and recommendation for separate dosing towards the top of pg 11 of 63 in the most recently updated "Complete Guide to the Care of the COVID 19 Patient" document on the FLCCC website ( It doesn't appear I can attach a screenshot for you here so you'll have download the PDF yourself. It is in the section on natural supplements. You might have missed it because the info on Quercetin/Ivermectin caution is listed in the Vitamin C and Quercetin listing vs. the Ivermectin listing. It would be helpful if they also listed both as a warning in the Ivermectin info section on pg 10 as well as in some of the other documents in the FAQ section about Ivermectin. To be fair, whatever interaction may exist between Quercetin and Ivermectin is probably minimal because on the website that lets you research possible drug interactions, there are no known problems listed between Ivermectin and Quercetin. Personally, with my family, we dose Quercetin separately from Ivermectin based on the FLCCC suggestion for caution found in the area I mentioned above.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

You can find the reference to possible drug interaction between Quercetin and Ivermectin and recommendation for separate dosing towers the top of pg 11 of 63 in the most recently updated "Complete Guide to the Care of the COVID 19 Patient Guide on the FLCCC website ( It doesn't appear I can attach a screenshot for you here so you'll have download the PDF yourself. It is in the section on natural supplements. You might have missed it because the info on Quercetin/Ivermectin caution is listed in the Vitamin C section. It would be helpful if they also listed this in the Ivermectin section on pg 10 as well as in the FAQ section on Ivermectin. To be fair, whatever interaction may exist between Quercetin and Ivermectin is probably minimal because on the website that lets you research possible drug interactions, there are no known problems listed between Ivermectin and Quercetin. Personally, with my family, we dose Quercetin separately from Ivermectin based on the FLCCC suggestion for caution.

2 years ago
1 score