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I’ll try to keep this short. When my son was about ten I asked him if he believed in God. He said that he didn’t understand how he could believe because he couldn’t see him. I explained that you can’t see the wind but asked him if he could see the power of the wind, IE: in storms and such. Later that spring he saw a go cart down the road for sale. Unfortunately we couldn’t afford it because I had been laid off. The whole summer passed and the guy selling the go cart knocked on our door asking if we were still interested and gave us a price we could afford. Many months later my son told me he had been praying that God would get him that go cart and God had answered his prayers! Many could dismiss such a common day to day occurrence but to that little boy it sealed his belief in God. At the same time he learned God answers prayers in his own time and his own ways. We all ignore Gods presence in our lives as coincidental but I can’t count the times that God has answered our prayers. A check in the mail when we most needed it, health returned to someone ill. A relationship problem solved without our intervention. God is real sir. You believe that you are in charge of your successes but you’d be wrong. Gods blessings are like the faith of a child seeing the power of the wind. Faith is believing when you can’t see it. Prayers that you stop making yourself God and realize that there is a greater power than you.

2 years ago
1 score