I dont think I insinuated any of that. If I did, I should correct it.
I'm not talking about allowing evil to flourish..or any of that.
I'm not talking passivity. We deal with lies by truth, by actions, by laws. And sometimes by arms if needed.
In war sometimes people do hateful things because of the hate they feel. And some manage to do good in the midst of war. In viet nam some took trophies and some managed to keep their humanity while doing the job.
I know what we are dealing with and I know most are not evil but blind. Some are evil. I will and do stand up. But I will not stop caring to speak the truth, or give up on those that do not understand, even as I stand against them
I dont think I insinuated any of that. If I did, I should correct that impression right away.
It is about the state of our heart. If we want our new nation to be a righteous one we have to stand for truth and justice, fight the good fight, but guard our hearts from bitterness and hate. We hate the sin, but we need to leave room for people to change and wake up.
I'm not talking about allowing evil to flourish..or any of that.
I'm not talking passivity. We deal with lies by truth, by actions, by laws. And sometimes by arms if needed.
In war sometimes people do hateful things because of the hate they feel. And some manage to do good in the midst of war. In viet nam some took trophies and some managed to keep their humanity while doing the job.
I fight fires and deal with terrible injuries and death sometimes. I am not afraid. I know what we are dealing with and I know most are not evil but blind. Some are evil. I will and do stand up. But I will not stop caring to speak the truth, or give up on those that do not understand, even as I stand against them
I dont think I insinuated any of that. If I did, I should correct that impression right away.
It is about the state of our heart. If we want our new nation to be a righteous one we have to stand for truth and justice, fight the good fight, but guard our hearts from bitterness and hate. We hate the sin, but we need to leave room for people to change and wake up.
I'm not talking about allowing evil to flourish..or any of that.
I'm not talking passivity. We deal with lies by truth, by actions, by laws. And sometimes by arms if needed.
In war sometimes people do hateful things because of the hate they feel. And some manage to do good in the midst of war. In viet nam some took trophies and some managed to keep their halumanity while doing the job.
I fight fires and deal with terrible injuries and death sometimes. I am not afraid. I know what we are dealing with and I know most are not evil but blind. Some are evil. I will and do stand up. But I will not stop caring to speak the truth, or give up on those that do not understand, even as I stand against them