I know exactly how you feel - I think of my grand girls and it’s very hard not to be afraid. But God is telling us not to fear, that He loves us and He is looking out for His children. Part of this awakening will be a great revival in the Church that will equip us for the end times. Jesus already won this war against evil when He gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice, and conquered death through His resurrection. There is a Plan, there are people in this world who are aligned with the Plan, and we already know God wins! He told us the condition of the world in Ephesians 6, and He told us what to do about it - not to prepare us to lose, but to assure us of the victory we have in Him. Brother Robin Bullock gave a really encouraging message last week - Monday, Sept 27 on Elijah Stream - about prayer and how God wants us to learn, not how to pull at His heart strings (so to speak) by praying for His mercy, but how to align ourselves with His Word and pray in Power. Get into the Word - it will comfort you and it will empower you! Don’t look at the world - look to Jesus!
I know exactly how you feel - I think of my grand girls and it’s very hard not to be afraid. But God is telling us not to fear, that He loves us and He is looking out for His children. Part of this awakening will be a great revival in the Church that will equip us for the end times. Jesus already won this war against evil when He gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice, and conquered death through His resurrection. There is a plan, there are people in this world who are aligned with the Plan, and we already know God wins! He told us the condition of the world in Ephesians 6, and He told us what to do about it - not to prepare us to lose, but to assure us of the victory we have in Him. Brother Robin Bullock gave a really encouraging message last week - Monday, Sept 27 on Elijah Stream - about prayer and how God wants us to learn, not how to pull at His heart strings (so to speak) by praying for His mercy, but how to align ourselves with His Word and pray in Power. Get into the Word - it will comfort you and it will empower you! Don’t look at the world - look to Jesus!
I know exactly how you feel - I think of my grand girls and it’s very hard not to be afraid. But God is telling us not to fear, that He loves us and He is looking out for His children. Part of this awakening will be a great revival in the Church that will equip us for the end times. Jesus already won this war against evil when He gave Himself as the perfect sacrifice, and conquered death through His resurrection. There is a plan, there are people in this world who are aligned with the Plan, and we already know God wins! He told us the condition of the world in Ephesians 6, and He told us what to do about it - not so we would eventually lose the battle, but to assure us of the victory we have in Salvation. Brother Robin Bullock gave a really encouraging message last week - Monday, Sept 27 on Elijah Stream - about prayer and how God wants us to learn, not how to pull at His heart strings (so to speak) by praying for His mercy, but how to align ourselves with His Word and pray in Power. Get into the Word - it will comfort you and it will empower you! Don’t look at the world - look to Jesus!