Hello brother...my heart and prayers go out to you and yours for sure. I agree that unplugging from all media is probably a good idea. I've considered doing this myself...
In reality, however, even unplugging (or trying to on your part) will NEVER stop your liberal infected wife from asserting her authoritarian ways upon you and your child. So unfortunate.
My advice is do whatever it takes to keep your marriage intact. Try not to discuss any of what's going on in the world and avoid any crossing of her ego whatsoever if you can help it. Ego is always at the core of any rub between two individuals.
If your wife is to be red pilled, she will most likely have to come to that reality on her own...completely apart from you. She knows what you believe and everything you have said to her has sunk deep within her subconscious mind. She can do nothing about this even if she tried. Our subconscious is like a compact disk that cannot be erased. Once it's there, it's there. Now it's up to God the Holy Spirit to work on her mind and heart with the information you have given her and information she will inevitably learn in days to come. You are not wrong...and you are on the right side of history my friend.
My 27 year old niece Chelsey was a raving, San Francisco State indoctrinated liberal of the highest degree. We have always had a great relationship because of the mutual respect between us, but she was always the family member who would disagree with any and all my political and social beliefs. We had many discussions and they almost always ended with we had to agree to disagree.
Well, not long ago, she called me on the phone (it was in the middle of the first Covid shutdown) crying, with more anger in her voice that I had ever heard from her before! As it turned out, our governor Gavin Newsom had taken away from her the one thing in this world she couldn't live without...her gym. She's an avid weight lifter and in one fell swoop she could no longer go. Long story short, Chelsey is now my biggest fan and I am not exaggerating when I say that she's more awake to reality than most life-long conservative patriots I know. She dove deep down the rabbit hole and her whole world was upended. People can change...your wife can change my friend. Be patient, keep it together and pray, pray, pray!
Hello brother...my heart and prayers go out to you and yours for sure. I agree that unplugging from all media is probably a good idea. I've considered doing this myself...
In reality, however, even unplugging (or trying to on your part) will NEVER stop your liberal infected wife from asserting her authoritarian ways upon you and your child. So unfortunate.
My advice is do whatever it takes to keep your marriage intact. Try not to discuss any of what's going on in the world and avoid any crossing of her ego whatsoever if you can help it. Ego is always at the core of any rub between two individuals.
If your wife is to be red pilled, she will most likely have to come to that reality on her own...completely apart from you. She knows what you believe and everything you have said to her has sunk deep within her subconscious mind. She can do nothing about this even if she tried. Our subconscious is like a compact disk that cannot be erased. Once it's there, it's there. Now it's up to God the Holy Spirit to work on her mind and heart with the information you have given her and that she will inevitably learn in days to come. You are not wrong...and you are on the right side of history my friend.
My 27 year old niece Chelsey was a raving, San Francisco State indoctrinated liberal of the highest degree. We have always had a great relationship because of the mutual respect between us, but she was always the family member who would disagree with any and all my political, social beliefs. We had many discussions and they almost always ended with we had to agree to disagree.
Well, no long ago, she called me on the phone (it was in the middle of the first Covid shutdown) crying, with more anger in her voice that I had ever heard from her before! As it turned out, our governor Gavin Newsom had taken away from here the one thing in this world she couldn't live without...her gym. She's an avid weight lifter and in one fell swoop she could no longer go. Long story short, Chelsey is now my biggest fan and I am not exaggerating when I say that she's more awake to reality than most life-long conservative patriots I know. She dove deep down the rabbit hole and he whole world was upended. People can change...your wife can change my friend. Be patient, keep it together and pray, pray, pray!