I think TD blames Q for J6 in that the Capitol walkthrough sabotaged our only chance for the Senate to debate election fraud and possibly decide to not certify the electorates. Ted Cruz was calling for a 10 day debate…Maybe Pence would not certify. Somehow reindeer horns and his Q ilk were responsible for ruining this possibility once the senators had no choice but to label everyone involved that day as insurrectionists and disassociate themselves politically.
But this was faith in Ted Cruz and Pence at the end there was a pipe dream.
Then TD also blames Q for giving false hope and assumes “Trust the Plan,” Powell, Codemonkey were obviously wrong because Trump did not remain in the WH
Then TD blames the datefaggers that said just wait till April, just wait till august, just wait till the audit—Trump will be re-instated.
Then they point to the fact that there are no more Q drops because the psyop has played out and Trump lost.
They have zero patience for one thing. But also Q never gave us a timeframe. We collectively brewed our own hopium. Q never said the deep state wouldn’t fight back. Q didn’t tell us to interpret predictions from the Q drops and go around with our proofs claiming they were correct.
Q is just saying the period of the great awakening is here. The quickening is upon us. Good will prevail over evil and we must keep trying to wake up the sleeping masses. The Doomers are low energy, and have a hard to time seeing beyond the veil. All of this is bigger than Trump, but one cannot deny the chain of events Trump put in motion to combat the cabal. Look around the world it is all unraveling. Future proves past.
I think TD blames Q for J6 in that the Capitol walkthrough sabotaged our only chance for the Senate to debate election fraud and possibly decide to not certify the electorates. Ted Cruz was calling for a 10 day debate…Maybe Pence would not certify. Somehow reindeer horns and his Q ilk were responsible for ruining this possibility once the senators had no choice but to label everyone involved that day as insurrectionists and disassociate themselves politically.
But this was faith in Ted Cruz and Pence at the end there was a pipe dream.
Then TD also blames Q for giving false hope and assumes “Trust the Plan,” Powell, Codemonkey were obviously wrong because Trump did not remain in the WH
Then TD blames the datefaggers that said just wait till April, just wait till august, just wait till the audit—Trump will be re-instated.
Then they point to the fact that there are no more Q drops because the psyop has played out and Trump lost.
They have zero patience for one thing. But also Q never gave us a timeframe. We collectively brewed our own hopium. Q never said the deep state wouldn’t fight back. Q didn’t tell us to interpret predictions from the Q drops and go around with our proofs claiming they were correct.
Q is just saying the period of the great awakening is here. The quickening is upon us. Good will prevail over evil and we must keep trying to wake up the sleeping masses. The Doomers are low energy, and have a hard to time seeing beyond the veil. All of this is bigger than Trump.