Alex Berenson has a name for this: He calls it the "happy valley" of vaccination. Basically, the vax does work pretty well starting about 30 days after the 2nd jab and works pretty well for a few months. After that, it's efficacy falls dramatically. The vax also worked pretty well (other than horrible adverse events) on the Alpha variant. Once Delta came along, not so much. This study uses data from before the Delta became prevalent and shortly after most people were vaccinated.
Alex Berenson has a name for this: He calls it the "happy valley" of vaccination. Basically, the vax does work pretty well starting about 30 days after the 2nd jab and works pretty well for a few months. After that, it's efficacy falls dramatically. The vax also worked pretty well (other than horrible adverse events) on the Alpha variant. Once Delta came along, not so much. This study uses data from before the Delta became prevalent and shortly after most people were vaccinated.
Alex Berenson has a name for this: He calls it the "happy valley" of vaccination. Basically, the vax does work pretty well starting about 30 days after the 2nd jab and works pretty well for a few months. After that, it's efficacy falls dramatically. The vax also worked pretty well (other than horrible adverse events) on the Alpha variant. Once Delta came along, not so much. This study uses data from before the Delta became prevalent and shortly after most people were vaccinated.