With all due respect, you cannot apply this portion of scripture to our day...what's being warned about here was the complete destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD. This is very clear if you step away from these so called Biblical Scholars like Hal Lindsey. Jesus said plainly...Matthew 24:34..."Verily I say unto you, This generation (the generation to whom He was speaking...the generation to whom He was speaking...the generation to whom He was speaking!) THIS GENERATION...shall not pass, till ALL these things be fulfilled."
Was Jesus lying when He said that? Not at all...because it happened exactly like he told that generation when Rome sacked the entire Jewish world of the time. It was utter and complete devastation that had never been seen and never would be seen again! God was doing numerous things during this generation. First, He was ENDING the entire Jewish system of worship (Covenant) and replacing it with our Savior...Jesus Christ. God was dealing with the sick and utterly satanic worship practices of the Jewish leaders of that day. God was dealing with the fact that those same Jewish leaders had crucified the Savior...God in human flesh...love incarnate! Finally...God was dealing the final blow to satan's plan to ruin God's plan for His greatest creation...mankind. Instead of satan winning his pathetic desire to destroy all mankind forever (because everyone had sinned and will sin)...our gracious and loving Father in His wisdom and love, completely turned the tables on the evil one.
These charlatans who continue to preach Darbyism from the pulpit are doing the worst kind of "watering down" the true power of what God was doing during that period of time...during that generation. By teaching people this blatant misinterpretation, one is actually taking away from the real impact that Jesus death and resurrection should mean to the world. Instead of holding His ultimate, one-time sacrifice to mankind as the pinnacle of all history and histories events, Christians and indeed some Secularists are looking to a future, more important and devastating event!
With all due respect, you cannot apply this portion of scripture to our day...what's being warned about here was the complete destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70AD. This is very clear if you step away from these so called Biblical Scholars like Hal Lindsey. Jesus said plainly...Matthew 24:34..."Verily I say unto you, This generation (the generation to whom He was speaking...the generation to whom He was speaking...the generation to whom He was speaking!) THIS GENERATION...shall not pass, till ALL these things be fulfilled."
Was Jesus lying when He said that? Not at all...because it happened exactly like he told that generation when Rome sacked the entire Jewish world of the time. It was utter and complete devastation that had never been seen and never would be seen again! God was doing numerous things during this generation. First, He was ENDING the entire Jewish system of worship (Covenant) and replacing it with our Savior...Jesus Christ. God was dealing with the sick and utterly satanic worship practices of the Jewish leaders of that day. God was dealing with the fact that those same Jewish leaders had crucified the Savior...God in human flesh...love incarnate! Finally...God was dealing the final blow to satan's plan to ruin God's plan for his greatest creation...mankind. Instead of satan winning his pathetic desire to destroy all mankind forever (because everyone had sinned and will sin)...our gracious and loving Father in His wisdom and love, completely turned the tables on the evil one.
These charlatans who continue to preach Darbyism from the pulpit are doing the worst kind of "watering down" the true power of what God was doing during that period of time...during that generation. By teaching people this blatant misinterpretation, one is actually taking away from the real impact that Jesus death and resurrection should mean to the world. Instead of holding His ultimate, one-time sacrifice to mankind as the pinnacle of all history and histories events, Christians and indeed some Secularists are looking to a future, more important and devastating event!