Daily values are the bare minimum values. It’s why so many people are running on fumes and exhausted. Our bodies need much more for optimal health. Our ancestors had no trouble, because the soils were naturally abundant in crucial life-bringing minerals. They are so overtilled and commercialized now, the soil doesn’t have a chance to become nutritious.
What our plants eat, we then eat. If our plants have depleted soils, we fail to get those missing minerals from plants. Same goes for animals that eat plants.
The saying, “you are what you eat.”
Daily values are the bare minimum values. It’s why so many people are running on fumes and exhausted. Our bodies need much more for optimal health. Our ancestors had no trouble, because the soils were naturally abundant in crucial life-bringing minerals. They are so overtilled and commercialized now, the soil doesn’t have a chance to become nutritious.
What our plants eat, we then eat. If our plants have depleted soils, we fail to get those missing minerals from plants. Same goes for animals that eat plants.