If you put Q into context, and being a David against a Goliath (times a hundred), maybe it makes better sense. That's the way I interpret it. There is 'something' here, but those followers thinking there's some cavalry to save the day isn't the right thinking.
We are the force. We are needed. We are critical for Q's operation to work. The sooner we act in solidarity, the stronger we are. When Q talks about the great awakening, this is all of us. We have to take it to every job, every building, every company, everywhere, one-by-one, we have to win.
Do not comply. Do not quit.
Organize. Have home Bible studies, meet-ups, cook-outs, etc. In order to have a great awakening, one has to stop sleeping first.
Don't be lulled into complacency by those claiming we are winning. This has to be done sooner than later before they have the infrastructure to divide us and segregate the vaxxed from the unvaxxed. If and when this occurs, our ability to overcome our oppression will be so much difficult.
They already have scheduled dates for deadline compliance. These are Oct. 15 and Dec. 8th. Why those dates?
My hunch is that after these dates another stage of further oppression occurs. They have to have the numbers to make their totalitarian rule work.
If you put Q into context as being a David against a Goliath times a hundred, maybe it makes better sense. That's the way I interpret it. There is 'something' here, but those followers thinking there's some cavalry to save the day isn't the right thinking.
We are the force. We are needed. The sooner we act in solidarity, the stronger we are. When Q talks about the great awakening, this is us. We have to take it to every job, every building, every company, one-by-one to win. Do not comply. Do not quit. Organize. Have home Bible studies, meet-ups, cook-outs, etc. In order to have a great awakening, one has to stop sleeping first.
Don't be lulled into complacency by those claiming we are winning. This has to be done sooner than later before they have the infrastructure to divide us and segregate the vaxxed from the unvaxxed. If and when this occurs, our ability to overcome our oppression will be so much difficult.
They already have scheduled dates for deadline compliance. These are Oct. 15 and Dec. 8th. Why those dates?
My hunch is that after these dates another stage of further oppression occurs. They have to have the numbers to make their totalitarian rule work.