He's reversed like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked/reversed' or by making a new EO effectively cut it's nuts off (like saying new penalty for election interference is sanctions or something people forget about) . ..IT WAS RENEWED.
He's reversed like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked/reversed' or by making a new EO effectively cut it's nuts off (like saying new penalty for election interference is sanctions or something) . ..IT WAS RENEWED.
He's reversed like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked/reversed' or by making a new EO cut it's nuts off like saying new penalty for election interference is $1. ..IT WAS RENEWED.
He's reversed like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked' or by making a new EO cut it's nuts off like saying new penalty is $1. ..IT WAS RENEWED.
He's revoked like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked' or by making a new EO cut it's nuts off like saying new penalty is $1. ..IT WAS RENEWED.
He's revoked like dozens of them. And it wasn't just 'not revoked' ..IT WAS RENEWED.