Great find! OMG, the plot thickens.
- Release a virus across the world.
- Come up with a vaccine and make it compulsory for everyone whether they need it or not (so that is why they are so intent on jabbing children?)
- Tag all the sheep so you have a complete inventry of your subjects.
- Blackmail and coerce anyone reluctant to get tagged.
8 billion shots, 3 times a year at $10/$100 a throw is just a remunerative sideline that the billionaires and Big Pharma can get behind. What is not to like?
The level of the scare can be controlled by the testing and, what would you know, Gates and Soros have just bought a company that makes the tests that will soon replace the PCR tests. Money from testing and the ability to control the results. Win/win.
Great find! OMG, the plot thickens.
- Release a virus across the world.
- Come up with a vaccine and make it compulsory for everyone whether they need it or not (so that is why they are so intent on jabbing children?)
- Tag all the sheep so you have a complete inventry of your subjects.
- Blackmail and coerce anyone reluctant to get tagged.
8 billion shots, 3 times a year at $10/$100 a throw is just a remunerative sideline that the billionaires and Big Pharma can get behind. What is not to like?
The level of the scare can be controlled by the testing and, what would you know, Gates and Soros have just bought a company that makes the tests that will replace the PCR tests soon. Money from testing and the ability to control the results. Win/win.
Great find! OMG, the plot thickens.
- Release a virus across the world.
- Come up with a vaccine and make it compulsory for everyone whether they need it or not (so that is why they are so intent on jabbing children?)
- Tag all the sheep so you have a complete inventry of your subjects.
- Blackmail and coerce anyone reluctant to get tagged.