Each day that goes by the more confirmation I get that we are indeed in End Times, nearing the Tribulation.
ID2020 is already being created, and all countries in the UN will sign onto using this GLOBAL Identity for all humans by 2030. Rockefeller Institute, Microsoft/Gates, Facebook/Zuck, Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Mastercard, and more.
6G is already being created and countries are already stating that they will have 6G rolled out by 2030. What is the number of the beast? Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. -Revelation 13:18
MIT has already (thanks to funding from Bill Gates) created a quantum dot "tattoo" that has a record of your vaccination status that can be printed on the arm/hand like a tattoo. However it's actually utilizing microscopic snake like fangs to stick under the skin.
Agenda 2030 from the UN. All about globalism / "sustainability" (AKA satans-ability).
Artificial Intelligence. This is the big new thing that Klaus Schwab says is coming with the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Transhumanism. Technology being combined with humans? or is it technology (the beast) taking over humans?
Unless God decides otherwise. We shall see soon!
Each day that goes by the more confirmation I get that we are indeed in End Times, nearing the Tribulation.
ID2020 is already being created, and all countries in the UN will sign onto using this GLOBAL Identity for all humans by 2030. Rockefeller Institute, Microsoft/Gates, Facebook/Zuck, Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Mastercard, and more.
6G is already being created and countries are already stating that they will have 6G rolled out by 2030. What is the number of the beast? Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. -Revelation 13:18
MIT has already (thanks to funding from Bill Gates) created a quantum dot "tattoo" that has a record of your vaccination status that can be printed on the arm/hand like a tattoo. However it's actually utilizing microscopic snake like fangs to stick under the skin.
Agenda 2030 from the UN. All about globalism / "sustainability" (AKA satans-ability).
Artificial Intelligence. This is the big new thing that Klaus Schwab says is coming with the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Transhumanism. Technology being combined with humans? or is it technology (the beast) taking over humans?