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You can guess my job, not gonna say it. I had to get the vax… did I want to? Nope. Why did I? Because one day I’m a good boy, the next I’m being threatened quite literally with being paid and forfeiting retirement. I know a lot of you keyboard warriors can armchair quarterback this shit, but not everyone has the luxury to take this moment to stick it to the man. That’s the whole reason this is fucking terrible, most of us don’t have a choice. Every day I go into my job and I drop red pills from sunup to sun down. I’ll be damned if you faggot keyboard warriors try and make me feel bad for sacrificing possible vax side effects so that I can still provide for my family.
Here’s the deal good chaps, had trump said these vaxes are poison, I wouldn’t have taken it. But he didn’t and still doesn’t. He promotes them in fact. Do I agree with him 100% ? No. Do I recommend people take the vax? Fuck no. But you fuckards clearly don’t understand what rights some people sign away when we start in our profession.
Most refusers are good Christians. They are being fucked over hardcore. But a large portion are the free loaders who never worked for their pay and wanted a reason to leave so they could go be tik tok influencers