I signed up to ask this question too, but backed out. Here are my thoughts/observations. First know that I really, really want him to be legit. Especially about Nesara.
For someone that claims that he helped to write some of the q drops as well as developed the comms, his websites are sketchy at best. He is constantly shilling his silver subscription service, encouraging users to not participate in stock market due to inevitable collapse (which I don't disagree with), as well as his Amazon knockoff, Philazon, which has a nice message behind it, but look who rakes in the profits from it.
There's a subreddit dedicated to him and his apparent lies, including his supposed meetup with Kathryn Telford, as well as a page on Telegram about him too. On one hand, it is sketchy that his tire developed an odd hole in it on his way to the airport. On the other, shit happens, so I can't say for sure. I find it odd that it seems to be a very small, very dedicated group trying to bring him down - smear campaign, or legit?
If this guy is part of Q and Q said that the earth is not flat, why does he think the earth is flat so adamantly?
He's answered the same question with two totally opposite answers. In one of his rapid fire videos, he said he was roommates with Ezra. In another, he said he wasn't. He boils this down to how the question is asked, but it still makes no sense to me.
He also claimed that someone (sorry, can't remember who, but maybe Pence? Soros?) was dead, and in another video said they were not, in that order. The guy can't be dead and then not, and the question was supposedly asked the exact same way both times. Could be a simple screwup? Edit: So in his new rapid fire (still on Dlive) he addresses this to clear it up. Says he is dead, but the death is not "known publicly" yet, which is why he answered differently both times. The second time he was asked, someone said "Is George Soros "dead"?", which led to the mixup, as he thought they meant in the public eye.
While people can overcome shady pasts, his makes me especially leery. But again, we could be dealing with smear attempts on him. Or he could be lying through his teeth.
There's a screencap out there of Phil in a group chat where he said (paraphrasing) "These people will believe anything. Oh well, more money for us." Again, could be 'shopped. Who knows.
So like someone else in here was saying, Phil is tripling down on his 'intel'. He did a livestream ~2 days ago where he expressed great frustration with the current state of things, and was speaking to someone specific (did not say who, said they know who they are) and said that since he's done everything that was asked of him, he believes it's owed to him that they stop hesitating and act NOW. He asked for a major marker that everyone would recognize within the next week.
Unfortunately, for now, it seems the only option is to wait and see if what he's said comes true by the end of the year or not.
I admit, his abundance of confidence and his way of speaking really, really make you believe what he's saying. Plus of course we want what he's saying to be true. So just proceed with caution.
I signed up to ask this question too, but backed out. Here are my thoughts/observations. First know that I really, really want him to be legit. Especially about Nesara.
For someone that claims that he helped to write some of the q drops as well as developed the comms, his websites are sketchy at best. He is constantly shilling his silver subscription service, encouraging users to not participate in stock market due to inevitable collapse (which I don't disagree with), as well as his Amazon knockoff, Philazon, which has a nice message behind it, but look who rakes in the profits from it.
There's a subreddit dedicated to him and his apparent lies, including his supposed meetup with Kathryn Telford, as well as a page on Telegram about him too. On one hand, it is sketchy that his tire developed an odd hole in it on his way to the airport. On the other, shit happens, so I can't say for sure. I find it odd that it seems to be a very small, very dedicated group trying to bring him down - smear campaign, or legit?
If this guy is part of Q and Q said that the earth is not flat, why does he think the earth is flat so adamantly?
He's answered the same question with two totally opposite answers. In one of his rapid fire videos, he said he was roommates with Ezra. In another, he said he wasn't. He boils this down to how the question is asked, but it still makes no sense to me.
He also claimed that someone (sorry, can't remember who, but maybe Pence? Soros?) was dead, and in another video said they were not, in that order. The guy can't be dead and then not, and the question was supposedly asked the exact same way both times. Could be a simple screwup?
While people can overcome shady pasts, his makes me especially leery. But again, we could be dealing with smear attempts on him. Or he could be lying through his teeth.
There's a screencap out there of Phil in a group chat where he said (paraphrasing) "These people will believe anything. Oh well, more money for us." Again, could be 'shopped. Who knows.
So like someone else in here was saying, Phil is tripling down on his 'intel'. He did a livestream ~2 days ago where he expressed great frustration with the current state of things, and was speaking to someone specific (did not say who, said they know who they are) and said that since he's done everything that was asked of him, he believes it's owed to him that they stop hesitating and act NOW. He asked for a major marker that everyone would recognize within the next week.
Unfortunately, for now, it seems the only option is to wait and see if what he's said comes true by the end of the year or not.
I admit, his abundance of confidence and his way of speaking really, really make you believe what he's saying. Plus of course we want what he's saying to be true. So just proceed with caution.