As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates the infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of the poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle). Read Trumps FEMA EO with a cynical lens, see if it clears things up any.
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into supporting the actions of government and into hating the enemies of government - Snowden and Jones.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the would-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And boot you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.
As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates there infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of there poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle).
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into supporting the actions of government and into hating the enemies of government - Snowden and Jones.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the would-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And boot you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.
As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates there infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of there poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle).
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into supporting the actions of government and into hating the enemies of government - Snowden and Jones.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the would-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And but you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.
As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates there infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of there poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle).
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into supporting the actions of government and into hating the enemies of government - Snowden and Jones.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the world-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And but you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.
As it should. It should be a great big red flag for anyone who has the eyes to see and ears to hear.
Q has admitted in that post that he is leading anons into the realisation of Huxleys world, in which humanity is a serf class who regularly take soma to keep them ‘happy’ ie docile and compliant.
Huxleys brother Julian was a founder of UNESCO and a big fish in the British Eugenics Society (now known as the Galton Institute - named after Francis Galton the founder of eugenics - soon to undergo a further name change for obvious reasons). The Galton Institute and the Wellcome Trust have their hands in vaccine production. The Wellcome Trust are running an ongoing project called Wellcome Leap which is transhumanist in nature. There’s clearly an unignorable interconnectedness there. The UK has already set up their new Health Security Agency (health surveillance thanks to covid papers and likely vaccine-administered tracking devices). DJT was dissuaded by Gates from his vaccine safety commission and now all of a sudden is the father of the vaccines. DJT instituted Warp Speed. Billed as a miracle rapid vaccine distribution system it is actually so much more - it also incorporates there infrastructure for health surveillance in the USA. Q is silent on vaccines. Q is uncritical of Gates. Trump knew ahead of time that a pandemic was coming (see Crimson Contagion). Trump knew ahead of time that he was going to administer a venomous and deadly bite to the kindly stranger who took him into their hearts and homes (see his predictive programming reading of there poem The Snake. The Snake is Trump and the WHO, whose symbol is a Snake wrapped round a needle).
Q had told would-be rebels to do nothing. And they obeyed.
Q has turned anons AGAINST whistleblowers (Snowden). The Trump admin, far from pardoning Assange actually stepped up the pursuit of him.
They are Deep State doing what Cass Sunstein planned all along - they cognitively infiltrated places where conspiracy theories flourish and direct those communities into storing the actions of government.
Yes, for the purpose of imposing the Globalists dystopian NWO Great Reset. You can’t install a new world order unless you first systematically dismantle the old - or set it on fire and watch it burn (BLM/Antifa set the fire, Trump/Q watch it burn - and convince everyone else also to just watch it burn! side note: Kyle Rittenhouse is more patriotic I would suggest than ANY anon)
Q has anons practically begging for the imposition of a military junta. Doesn’t that align a bit too eerily with what you already know about Marxism/communism? Are the military not being indoctrinated into Marxist thought? (Yes). The Great Reset is communitarian.
Anons need to wake up and realise that Qs and Trumps plans and actions are in LOCKSTEP with the Great Reset. Trump and Q are just the version that is sold to the world-be resisters. It’s the same shit packaged as patriotic - until it’s too late.
THE PRECIPICE. They are taking you to the precipice so you go willingly with a false sense of security. They are not going to pull you back and say ‘only kidding’. They are going to laugh at you, scream “this is Babylon!!!!” And but you over the edge.
Those indictments are for patriots.
Read your Bibles people. Read Daniel and Revelation. Prepare and accept a deception so deep and dismal.
That’s what you have here.