Agreed about the Pentagon/Iraq situation, Vault 7, and especially the Pizzagate/Stratfor leaks.
I also agree to a certain extent, though, with what Sucka is saying. Not about the law part; Fahrenheit 451 is the largest example I have of needing to break laws in authoritarian states. And as you said, no one in uniform has been harmed by what was shared on WL.
However, Q’s drop about how information is shared with WL makes me curious what Assange’s intentions have been at times, especially if he is the rumored Triple Dipper.
Seth Rich stands out to me. Partially because I think people like Isaac Kappy and Seth Rich were actively trying to bring these evils to light, but because they didn’t know how to “play the game” like Assange, he got the info, and they got murdered. That does feel a little like extortion/rubs me the wrong way.
As I cannot see the chess board from where Assange is sitting, I can’t say for sure why he chose to withhold some information and share other pieces of the puzzle. My emotional reasoning asks why he couldn’t share everything to keep those people alive; my logical reasoning says there was more to the story and war begets casualties.
Agreed about the Pentagon/Iraq situation, Vault 7, and especially the Pizzagate/Stratfor leaks.
I also agree to a certain extent, though, with what Sucka is saying. Not about the law part; Fahrenheit 451 is the largest example I have of needing to break laws in authoritarian states. And as you said, no one in uniform has been harmed by what was shared on WL.
However, Q’s drop about how information is shared with WL makes me curious what Assange’s intentions have been at times, especially if he is the rumored Triple Dipper.
Seth Rich stands out to me. Partially because I think people like Isaac Kappy and Seth Rich were actively trying to bring these evils to light, but because they didn’t know how to “play the game” like Assange, he got the info, and they got murdered.
As I cannot see the chess board from where Assange is sitting, I can’t say for sure why he chose to withhold some information and share other pieces of the puzzle. My emotional reasoning asks why he couldn’t share everything to keep those people alive; my logical reasoning says there were more pieces in play, and war begets casualties.