We do however have to differentiate those who went along with it at positions of power who had the ability to see the truth and chose not to, like doctors and medical professionals.
While my wife is not responsible for others in this sense, she is in a related field (as a researcher). I was able to convince her that the shot was a poison, that many people were dying (more than were being reported) or were otherwise becoming permanently disabled, and that the long term effects were completely unknown, with possible immune system problems (autoimmune disease, ADE, etc.).
She still took it.
In academia, especially at a research university, the pressure is so great its nearly impossible to resist. You either do it, or you leave.
In addition the brainwashing is so strong, she still gets pulled back into it every once in a while. The recurring cognitive dissonance she expresses repeatedly for the exact same reason is fascinating to watch (when I'm not pulling my hair out).
This brainwashing shit is real. She has woken up a lot, but she wants so badly for things to be normal that she allows herself to forget what she knows, even if only temporarily.
What I'm saying is, these brainwashing techniques that are being employed on the population, and that have kept humanity asleep for generations are no joke. They exploit the natural pathways that we humans use to rectify incongruent information. They highjack cognitive dissonance, and offer an out; the path of least resistance, which is the path back to The Matrix.
Feel sorry for all of them, even the ones that are killing people and don't realize it, because they can't let themselves see. For some the truth would kill them, so they refuse to see it out of self-preservation. Like people at the university, most likely don't know what they are doing, except in their unconscious.
That doesn't mean they get a "get out of jail free" card. They must be held accountable, for their own good as much as for the requirements of justice upon which any reasonable society must be based. Many of them are not beyond help though, and once punishment has been meted, they must be welcomed back into society assuming they have fully groked their evil, and have become one of the Awakened.
Forgiveness is hard, but necessary, and the brainwashing is as real as any MKUltra shit, even if more subtle and slightly easier to break once you get free from the environment that is the self correcting part of The Matrix (Where everyone around you is Agent Smith).
We do however have to differentiate those who went along with it at positions of power who had the ability to see the truth and chose not to, like doctors and medical professionals.
While my wife is not responsible for others in this sense, but she is in a related field (as a researcher). I was able to convince her that the shot was a poison, that many people were dying (more than were being reported) or were otherwise becoming permanently disabled, and that the long term effects were completely unknown, with possible immune system problems (autoimmune disease, ADE, etc.).
She still took it.
In academia, especially at a research university, the pressure is so great its nearly impossible to resist. You either do it, or you leave.
In addition the brainwashing is so strong, she still gets pulled back into it every once in a while. The recurring cognitive dissonance she expresses repeatedly for the exact same reason is fascinating to watch (when I'm not pulling my hair out).
This brainwashing shit is real. She has woken up a lot, but she wants so badly for things to be normal that she allows herself to forget what she knows, even if only temporarily.
What I'm saying is, these brainwashing techniques that are being employed on the population, and that have kept humanity asleep for generations are no joke. They exploit the natural pathways that we humans use to rectify incongruent information. They highjack cognitive dissonance, and offer an out; the path of least resistance, which is the path back to The Matrix.
Feel sorry for all of them, even the ones that are killing people and don't realize it, because they can't let themselves see. For some the truth would kill them, so they refuse to see it out of self-preservation. Like people at the university, most likely don't know what they are doing, except in their unconscious.
That doesn't mean they get a "get out of jail free" card. They must be held accountable, for their own good as much as for the requirements of justice upon which any reasonable society must be based. Many of them are not beyond help though, and once punishment has been meted, they must be welcomed back into society assuming they have fully groked their evil, and have become one of the Awakened.
Forgiveness is hard, but necessary, and the brainwashing is as real as any MKUltra shit, even if more subtle and slightly easier to break once you get free from the environment that is the self correcting part of The Matrix (Where everyone around you is Agent Smith).
We do however have to differentiate those who went along with it at positions of power who had the ability to see the truth and chose not to, like doctors and medical professionals.
While my wife is not responsible for others in this sense, but she is in a related field (as a researcher). I was able to convince her that the shot was a poison, that many people were dying (more than were being reported) or were otherwise becoming permanently disabled, and that the long term effects were completely unknown, with possible immune system problems (autoimmune disease, ADE, etc.).
She still took it.
In academia, especially at a research university, the pressure is so great its nearly impossible to resist. You either do it, or you leave.
In addition the brainwashing is so strong, she still gets pulled back into it every once in a while. The recurring cognitive dissonance she expresses repeatedly for the exact same reason is fascinating to watch (when I'm not pulling my hair out).
This brainwashing shit is real. She has woken up a lot, but she wants so badly for things to be normal that she allows herself to forget what she knows, even if only temporarily.
What I'm saying is, these brainwashing techniques that are being employed on the population, and that have kept humanity asleep for generations are no joke. They exploit the natural pathways that we humans use to rectify incongruent information. They highjack cognitive dissonance, and offer an out; the path of least resistance, which is the path back to The Matrix.
Feel sorry for all of them, even the ones that are killing people and don't realize it, because they can't let themselves see. For some the truth would kill them, so they refuse to see it out of self-preservation. Like people at the university, most likely do not know what they are doing, except in their unconscious.
That doesn't mean they get a "get out of jail free" card. They must be held accountable, for their own good as much as for the requirements of justice upon which any reasonable society must be based. Many of them are not beyond help though, and once punishment has been meted, they must be welcomed back into society assuming they have fully groked their evil, and have become one of the Awakened.
Forgiveness is hard, but necessary, and the brainwashing is as real as any MKUltra shit, even if more subtle and slightly easier to break once you get free from the environment that is the self correcting part of The Matrix (Where everyone around you is Agent Smith).