With the information in the above article (which uses the VAERS data), we now have a good foundation to argue that the Trump vax and Biden vax are/were - at the very least - different from each other:
Trump Vax = Placebo/Low Dosages = less or no adverse reactions/deaths
Biden Vax = Medium/High dosages = more adverse reactions/deaths
*Edit: Also interesting to notice that Trump literally dropped speaking about or mentioning the Vax after he was booed (rightfully so) at one of his recent rallies.
With the information in the above article (which uses the VAERS data), we now have a good foundation to argue that the Trump vax and Biden vax are/were - at the very least - different from each other:
Trump Vax = Placebo/Low Dosages = less or no adverse reactions/deaths
Biden Vax = Medium/High dosages = more adverse reactions/deaths
*Edit: Also interesting to notice that Trump liberally dropped speaking about or mentioning the Vax after he was booed (rightfully so) at one of his recent rallies.
With the information in the above article (which uses the VAERS data), we now have a good foundation to argue that the Trump vax and Biden vax are/were - at the very least - different from each other:
Trump Vax = Placebo/Low Dosages = less or no adverse reactions/deaths
Biden Vax = Medium/High dosages = more adverse reactions/deaths