At its lowest common denominator, we are all doubters/questioners/etc. That is why we found this place. We doubt/question/distrust anything being spouted by normal channels, and are seeking the truth without their filters/spin.
A doomer is a person who has lost faith that NCSWIC. A doomer is someone who has forgotten what Q has told us. We all get frustrated and discouraged sometimes, but Q has even addressed this.
There is a difference between questioning and coming into this space spewing doubt and doom all over the place, as if one's current discouragement/panic is solid proof that we're all being played. It's not. It's a temporary state that needs to be seen for what it is. Remember: we are WATCHING the movie. We aren't directing it, or starring in it (yet), we didn't write the script, and we have little influence over events right now. There will be an important role for us, but that time is not yet.
Q has said "disinfo is everywhere and necessary". If disinfo is everywhere, and it is, then Q is telling the truth. "How many times before it's mathematically impossible" that we're just seeing a series of coincidences? There are no coincidences, so one's mindset needs to get right about what we're seeing. We must mentally and emotionally hold fast to what has already been proven to us.
If you have lost your faith, but not hope, then just be still and quiet. Wind and waves are everywhere. Watch, read, observe until your faith is restored.
At its lowest common denominator, we are all doubters/questioners/etc. That is why we found this place. We doubt/question/distrust anything being spouted by normal channels, and are seeking the truth without their filters/spin.
A doomer is a person who has lost faith that NCSWIC. A doomer is someone who has forgotten what Q has told us. We all get frustrated and discouraged sometimes, but Q even addressed this.
There is a difference between questioning and coming into this space spewing doubt and doom all over the place, as if one's current discouragement/panic is solid proof that we're all being played. Remember: we are WATCHING the movie. We aren't directing it, or starring in it (yet), and we didn't write the script.
Q has said "disinfo is everywhere and necessary". If disinfo is everywhere, and it is, then Q is telling the truth. "How many times before it's mathematically impossible that we're seeing a series of coincidences?" There are no coincidences, so one's mindset needs to get corrected about what we're seeing. We must mentally and emotionally hold fast to what has already been proven to us.
If you have lost your faith, but not your hope, then just be quiet. Watch, read, observe until your faith is restored.