Well the flood was an ELE, was it not?
But I do love me some babble language translations. Would be awesome to have a bible in Quantum Syntax Grammar.... because the bible is written in babble language from starters.
¨ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
- What is the Parse of God? ...... PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" equals to a circular reasoning and lacking of the knowledge.
- "In" is inconsistent with a now-space position as it is not specific.So, "withIn the beginning = nativity" would be far better.
- Kudos for using articles in English.
- "created" is past-time = not now space-time.
- uitgang IM in Hebrew indeed is plural.
- haaretz is a particular word often used for a specific geolocation like land of Israel or certain sections of Egypt, etc. So it can mean quite a bit, depending on your lust for interpretation. There are 934 comparisons.
For the First-Creator's knowledge IS with the claim of the creation &: nativity of the Heavens &: land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of land/soil is with the claim of the lacking of the form &: vacuity with the land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of the deep is with the claim of the deep with the face with the darkness by the First-Creator.
Well the flood was an ELE, was it not?
But I do love me some babble language translations. Would be awesome to have a bible in Quantum Syntax Grammar.... because the bible is written in babble language from starters.
¨ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
- What is the Parse of God? ...... PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" equals to a circular reasoning and lacking of the knowledge.
- "In" is inconsistent with a now-space position as it is not specific.So, "withIn the beginning = nativity" would be far better.
- Kudos for using articles in English.
- "created" is past-time = not now space-time.
- uitgang IM in Hebrew indeed is plural.
- haaretz is a particular word often used for a specific geolocation like land of Israel or certain sections of Egypt, etc. So it can mean quite a bit, depending on your lust for interpretation. There are 934 comparisons.
For the First-Creator's knowledge IS with the claim of the creation &: nativity of the Heavens &: land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of land/soil is with the claim of the lacking of the form &: vacuity with the land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of the deep is with the claim of the deep with the face with the darkness by the First-Creator.
Well the flood was an ELE, was it not?
But I do love me some babble language translations. Would be awesome to have a bible in Quantum Syntax Grammar.... because the bible is written in babble language from starters.
¨ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
- What is the Parse of God? ...... PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" equals to a circular reasoning and lacking of the knowledge.
- "In" is inconsistent with a now-space position as it is not specific.So, "withIn the beginning = nativity" would be far better.
- Kudos for using articles in English.
- "created" is past-time = not now space-time.
- uitgang IM in Hebrew indeed is plural.
- haaretz is a particular word often used for a specific geolocation like land of Israel or certain sections of Egypt, etc. So it can mean quite a bit, depending on your lust for interpretation. There are 934 comparisons.
For the First-Creator's knowledge IS with the claim of the creation &: nativity of the Heavens &: land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of land/soil is with the claim of the lacking of the form &: vacuity with the land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of the deep is with the claim of the deep with the darkness of the face by the First-Creator.
Well the flood was an ELE, was it not?
But I do love me some babble language translations. Would be awesome to have a bible in Quantum Syntax Grammar.... because the bible is written in babble language from starters.
¨ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
- What is the Parse of God? ...... PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" equals to a circular reasoning and lacking of the knowledge.
- "In" is inconsistent with a now-space position as it is not specific.So, "withIn the beginning = nativity" would be far better.
- Kudos for using articles in English.
- "created" is past-time = not now space-time.
- uitgang IM in Hebrew indeed is plural.
- haaretz is a particular word often used for a specific geolocation like land of Israel or certain sections of Egypt, etc. So it can mean quite a bit, depending on your lust for interpretation. There are 934 comparisons.
For the First-Creator's knowledge IS with the claim of the creation &: nativity of the Heavens &: land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of land/soil is with the claim of the lacking of the form & vacuity with the land/soil by the First-Creator.
For the First-Creator's knowledge of the deep is with the claim of the darkness of the face of the deep by the First-Creator.
Well the flood was an ELE, was it not?
But I do love me some babble language translations. Would be awesome to have a bible in Quantum Syntax Grammar.... because the bible is written in babble language from starters.
¨ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"
- What is the Parse of God? ...... PIE *ghut- "that which is invoked" equals to a circular reasoning and lacking of the knowledge.
- "In" is inconsistent with a now-space position as it is not specific.So, "withIn the beginning = nativity" would be far better.
- Kudos for using articles in English.
- "created" is past-time = not now space-time.
- uitgang IM in Hebrew indeed is plural.
- haaretz is a particular word often used for a specific geolocation like land of Israel or certain sections of Egypt, etc. So it can mean quite a bit, depending on your lust for interpretation. There are 934 comparisons.
For the First-Creator's knowledge IS with the claim of the creation &: nativity of the Heavens &: land/soil by the First-Creator.