Post 144 [th] [i] [s] [e][e] thisee in a google leads tot his lady EE =55 Post from 11/11/17 . One yr before 11/11/18 ! the day the earth rang like a bell!! Now known as reverberation day. The Gr8 awakening! ^^^^^^
Seeker of the sun with the symbol of the ANKH <[xox] LEV77 Astrologian.
RA = right ascension
Post 144 [th] [i] [s] [e][e] thisee in a google leads tot his lady EE =55 Post from 11/11/17 . One yr before 11/11/18 ! the day the earth rang like a bell!! Now known as reverberation ^^^^^^ day. The Gr8 awakening!
Seeker of the sun with the symbol of the ANKH <[xox] LEV77 Astrologian.
RA = right ascension
Post 144 [th] [i] [s] [e][e] thisee in a google leads tot his lady EE =55 Post from 11/11/17 . One yr before 11/11/18 ! the day the earth rang like a bell!! ^^^^^^Now known as reverberation day. The Gr8 awakening!
Seeker of the sun with the symbol of the ANKH <[xox] LEV77 Astrologian.
RA = right ascension