This happens with every open message board on the internet. It's actually very, very common. The deep state has been doing this for decades now. They send their OWN people into these message boards and post child porn to get them to shut down through warrants and legal issues. This is why so many free speech platforms that get big either get shut down, or taken over or bought out by one of their minions.
Meanwhile, places like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook are exempt from all of this, despite having numerous places for pedophiles to post their content on those platforms. They are completely EXEMPT, from law enforcement, from the courts, from just about everything, because the deep state owns it all. This is how they got too large and have such a big commanding control over the internet. ALL at our expense thanks to tax payer money for taking down all of their competition and financing them.
This happens with every open message board on the internet. It's actually very, very common. The deep state has been doing this for decades now. They send their OWN people into these message boards and post child porn to get them to shut down through warrants and legal issues. This is why so many free speech platforms that get big either get shut down, or taken over or bought out by one of their minions.
Meanwhile, places like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook are exempt from all of this, despite having numerous places for pedophiles to post their content on those platforms. They are completely EXEMPT, from law enforcement, from the courts, from just about everything, because the deep state owns it all. This is how they got to large and have such a big commanding control over the internet. ALL at our expense thanks to tax payer money for taking down all of their competition and financing them.