That's exactly why they want white people gone.
It explains racism against whites, discrimination, TV commercials promoting interracial couples. Mixing races until there are no more white people.
I was on a social media channel and I saw in one sitting a white man in bed with a black women, two lesbians talking about their upcoming vacation and two gay men in their house. All on commercials. Everybody has already seen black men and white women commercials. And if you look around, those commercials are working.
White people are too much of a threat to them. They will not succumb easily.
Wikileaks said they want a population that is: uninformed and compliant.
That's exactly why they want white people gone.
This is the Kalergi Plan in action: Eliminate and dilute the white race so the leftover mixed people will be easier to control. It explains racism against whites, discrimination, TV commercials promoting interracial couples.
I was on a social media channel and I saw in one sitting a white man in bed with a black women, two lesbians talking about their upcoming vacation and two gay men in their house. All on commercials. Everybody has already seen black men and white women commercials. And if you look around, those commercials are working.
White people are too much of a threat to them. They will not succumb to slavery.
Wikileaks said they want a population that is: uninformed and compliant.
That's exactly why they want white people gone.
They are too much of a threat to them. They will not succumb to slavery.
Wikileaks said they want a population that is: uninformed and compliant.