No papers here bro, Don't even need to be vaccinated to be employed or go to the pub, Never wore a mask and never scanned any QR codes or anything, we've only been in lockdown twice, once for 3 days and another for 5 days since the beginning. It's really not as crazy over here in SA as you may be led to believe. I went to a protest not long ago and the police left us alone and I will definitely be attending many more to come. The 2nd amendment is useless when all your doing is talking shit and not actually putting your money where your mouth is.
No papers here bro, Don't even need to be vaccinated to be employed or go to the pub, Never wore a mask and never scanned any QR codes or anything, we've only been in lockdown twice, once for 3 days and another for 5 days since the beginning. It's really not as crazy over here in SA as you may be led to believe. I went to a protest not long ago and the police left us alone and I will definitely be attending many more to come.
No papers here bro, Don't even need to be vaccinated to be employed, Never wore a mask and never scanned any QR codes or anything, we've only been in lockdown twice, once for 3 days and another for 5 days since the beginning. It's really not as crazy over here in SA as you may be led to believe.