This is so wrong on every level. Nurses are notoriously THE most outspoken and opinionated group of health care professionals. I know. I am one, and Thank God during these times, 2-years retired. The decision to choose 1 ISOLATED SITUATION that can end a nursing career is a tragedy. Unfortunately, the majority of nurses will agree with this ruling...and
I am not surprised. The nursing profession has slowly deteriorated over the past 10-15 years due to the progressive diminishing standards once required that range from accepting just about anybody into a nursing program to inadequate hands-on training and simplifying State Board Examinations.
This latest edict will put the final nail in the coffin - nursing can no longer be called a profession.
This is so wrong on every level. Nurses are notoriously THE most outspoken and opinionated group of health care professionals. I know. I am one, and Thank God during these times, 2-years retired. The decision to choose 1 ISOLATED SITUATION that can end a nursing career is a tragedy. Unfortunately, the majority of nurses will agree with this ruling...and
I am not surprised. The nursing profession has slowly deteriorated over the past 10-15 years due to the progressive diminishing standards once required that range from accepting just about anybody into a nursing program to inadequate hands-on training and simplifying State Board Examinations.
This latest edict will put the final nail in the coffin - nursing can longer be called a profession.
This is so wrong on every level. Nurses are notoriously THE most outspoken and opinionated group of health care professionals. I know. I am one, and Thank God during these times, 2-years retired. The decision to choose 1 ISOLATED SITUATION that can end a nursing career is a tragedy. Unfortunately, the majority of nurses will agree with this ruling...and
I am not surprised. The nursing profession has slowly deteriorated over the past 10-15 years due to the progressive diminishing standards once required that range from accepting just about anybody into a nursing program to inadequate hands-on training and simplifying State Board Examinations.
This latest edict will put the final nail in the coffin. Nursing can longer be called a profession.
This is so wrong on every level. Nurses are notoriously THE most outspoken and opinionated group of health care professionals. I know. I am one, and Thank God during these times, 2-years retired. The decision to choose 1 ISOLATED SITUATION that can end a nursing career is a tragedy. Unfortunately, the majority of nurses will agree with this ruling...and
I am not surprised. The nursing profession has slowly deteriorated over the past 10-15 years due to the progressive diminishing standards once required that range from accepting just about anybody into a nursing program to inadequate hands-on training and simplifying State Board Examinations.
This latest edict puts the final nail in the coffin. Nursing can longer be called a profession.
This is so wrong on every level. Nurses are notoriously THE most outspoken and opinionated group of health care professionals. I know. I am one, and Thank God during these times, 2-years retired. The decision to choose 1 ISOLATED SITUATION that can end a nursing career is a tragedy.
But...I am not surprised. The nursing profession has slowly deteriorated over the past 10-15 years due to the progressive diminishing standards once required that range from accepting just about anybody into a nursing program to inadequate hands-on training and simplifying State Board Examinations.
This latest edict puts the final nail in the coffin. Nursing can longer be called a profession.