yes, furniture and old clothing too. so I like simple, things that wouldn't have a lot of someone else's emotional attachment to it. also think the more ornate things are, the more they were created by someone who was materialistic/always a red flag. means you're able to 'see' things that others can't. you're able to discern.
yes, furniture and old clothing too. so I like things simple, things that wouldn't have a lot of someone else's emotional attachment to it. also think the more ornate things are, the more they were created by someone who was materialistic/always a red flag. means you're able to 'see' things that others can't. you're able to discern.
yes, furniture and old clothing too. so I like things simple, things that wouldn't have a lot of someone else's emotional attachment to it. also think the more ornate things are, the more they were created by someone who was materialistic/always a red flag. means you're able to 'see' things that others can't. you're able to discern.