Deepstate Is finally making their move. Their crimes are out in the open, so now that that has happened It's the Go signal. The problem for the Q believer is who is going to make these arrests to turn everything around. The military of this country is cucked. as any other body of government in our nation or the world for that matter
Deepstate Is finally making their move. Their crimes are out in the open, so now that that has happened It's the Go signal. The problem for the Q believer is who is going to make these arrests to turn everything around. The military of this country is cucked. as any other body of government in our nation or the world for that matter
Is finally making their move. Their crimes are out in the open, so now that that has happened It's the Go signal. The problem for the Q believer is going to make these arrests to turn everything around. The military of this country is cucked. as any other body of government in our nation or the world for that matter