I don't view it from this skeptical perspective because I am a shill (I am definitely not a shill.)
I view it this way because history over and over again has taught us that skepticism is necessary in dealing with the DS opponent, especially after 9/11.
Our enemies used our conservatism, our patriotism, our love for right, our disdain for wrong, our love of Country, our disdain for liberalism, our support for GW Bush, our support of "Republicans", our disdain for liberals, our energy, and our organization to advance/execute the DS agenda and most Patriots didn't see it until after the fact.
We cried tears, shouted support, waved our flags, sang the Star Spangled Banner in our homes and in our churches, while GW Bush stood atop the World Trade Center rubble with a bullhorn in one hand and his arm around a firefighter with the other.
We saw off our young men and women to war in the Middle East with hearts steadfast and minds and mouths arguing on behalf of the moral high ground/correctness of the GW Bush Admin.
We sobbed as caskets were offloaded at military bases around our Country.
Flags were placed in our yards, streets and in the windows of our homes.
When we woke up, it was too late. The Patriot Act, the EffBeeEye and the SeeEyeAye are all used against the great citizens of this Country.
We gave them our energy and support.
Be skeptical.
Don't blindly give it to them again.
Don't trust. Ask questions.
Demand that they earn our trust. Demand that they earn our support.
As Satan comes posing as an Angel of Light, so does the DS...wrapped in a flag and patriotism: robbing, stealing, murdering and destroying.
Don't help them!
Don't let them!
I don't view it from this skeptical perspective because I am a shill (I am definitely not a shill.)
I view it this way because history over and over again has taught us that skepticism is necessary in dealing with the DS opponent, especially after 9/11.
Our enemies used our conservatism, our patriotism, our love for right, our disdain for wrong, our love of Country, our disdain for liberalism , our support for GW Bush, our support of "Republicans", our disdain for liberals, our energy, our organization to advance the DS agenda and most Patriots didn't see it until after the fact.
We cried tears, shouted support, waved our flags, sang the Star Spangled Banner in our homes and churches, while GW Bush stood atop the World Trade Center rubble with a bullhorn in one hand and his arm around a firefighter with the other.
We saw off our young men and women to war in the Middle East with hearts steadfast and minds and mouths arguing on behalf of the moral correctness of the GW Bush Admin.
We sobbed as caskets were offloaded at military bases around our Country.
Flags were placed in our yards, streets and in the windows of our homes.
When we woke up, it was too late. The Patriot Act, the EffBeeEye and the SeeEyeAye are all used against the great citizens of this Country.
We gave them our energy and support.
Be skeptical.
Don't blindly give it to them again.
Don't trust. Ask questions.
Demand that they earn our trust. Demand that they earn our support.
As Satan comes posing as an Angel of Light, so does the DS...wrapped in a flag and patriotism: robbing, stealing, murdering and destroying.
Don't help them!
Don't let them!
I don't view it from this skeptical perspective because I am a shill (I am definitely not a shill.)
I view it this way because history over and over again has taught us that skepticism is necessary in dealing with the DS opponent, especially after 9/11.
Our enemies used our conservatism, our patriotism, our love for right, our disdain for wrong, our love of Country, our disdain for liberalism , our support for GW Bush, our support of "Republicans", our disdain for liberals, our energy, our organization to advance the DS agenda and most Patriots didn't see it until after the fact.
We cried tears , shouted support, waved our flags, sang the Star Spangled Banner in our homes and churches, while GW Bush stood atop the World Trade Center rubble.
We saw off our young men and women to war in the Middle East with hearts steadfast and minds arguing on behalf of the moral correctness of the GW Bush Admin.
We sobbed as caskets were offloaded at at bases around our Country.
When we woke up, it was too late. The Patriot Act, the EffBeeEye and the SeeEyeAye are all used against the great citizens of this Country.
We gave them our energy and support.
Be skeptical.
Don't blindly give it to them again.
Don't trust. Ask questions.
Demand that they earn it.
As Satan comes posing as an Angel of Light, so does the DS...wrapped in a flag and patriotism: robbing, stealing, murdering and destroying.
Don't help them!
Don't let them!