Ahh, a meme connoisseur! C'mon man, it's just having fun.
It's a slow news Friday entering the weekend,
Patriots rest and party during the weekend,
it will all be forum-slid out of existence by new developments and MASSIVE booms Monday and the week forward, as we enter December.
Besides. If either #TeamWOOD or #TeamFLYNN are reading these boards (Spoiler: They ARE, hi Mike! Hi Lin!), they're getting much needed feedback on how their little spat affects us all. Could be what they're looking for - answers to a what if.
Ahh, a meme connoisseur! C'mon man, it's just having fun.
It's a slow news Friday entering the weekend,
Patriots rest and party during the weekend,
it will all be forum-slid out of existence by new developments and MASSIVE booms Monday and the week forward, as we enter December.
Besides. If either #TeamWOOD or #TeamFLYNN are reading these boards, they're getting much needed feedback on how their little spat affects us all. Could be what they're looking for - answers to a what if.