People don't dismiss gematria as a tool utilized in code.
Like me, they dismiss the "decoders" who use it to say anything, everything and nothing.
You can make gematria say anything that you want and past "decoders" have. (Inaccurately).
The past "decoders", like SerialBrain2, did so mystically and inaccurately.
Storm Rider's decodes have all of the same components as SerialBrain2's:
- Entertaining
- Hopium-Fueled
- Technical writing skill
- Creative writing skill
- Authoritative
- New Age Religion
- Gematria
- Facets of truth and reality
People looking for hope will flock to it.
People don't dismiss gematria as a tool utilized in code.
Like me, they dismiss the "decoders" who use it to say anything, everything and nothing.
You can make gematria say anything that you want and past "decoders" have. (Inaccurately).
The past "decoders", like SerialBrain2, did so mystically and inaccurately.
Storm Rider's decodes has all of the same components as SerialBrain2's:
- Entertaining
- Hopium-Fueled
- Technical writing skill
- Creative writing skill
- Authoritative
- New Age Religion
- Gematria
- Facets of truth and reality
People looking for hope will flock to it.