Anti-Semitic is a word created for the purpose of preventing people from looking at evidence of crimes committed by people who call themselves Jews. There are all sorts of crimes that can be traced back to Zionists, a subsect of Jews. Where by all sorts, I mean the entire fraud of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries and the creation of our modern day version of The Matrix. (It actually goes back much further than that, but narrowing the research window to 20th century America is an easier place to start.)
If you want to know who controls you, look at who you can't criticize.
You can't criticize a Jew, or anyone who calls themselves a Jew, because that's anti-Semitic. It gives a free pass to Jews to, well, take over the world, and its done quite on purpose. The Jews (Zionists) made the word have this meaning. The deeper you dig, the more evidence you uncover to support all the statements I have just made.
Anti-Semitic is a word created for the purpose of preventing people from looking at evidence of crimes committed by people who call themselves Jews. There are all sorts of crimes that can be traced back to Zionists, a subsect of Jews. Where by all sorts, I mean the entire fraud of the 19th and 20th centuries and the creation of our modern day version of The Matrix. (It actually goes back much further than that, but narrowing the research window to 20th century America is an easier place to start.)
If you want to know who controls you, look at who you can't criticize.
You can't criticize a Jew, or anyone who calls themselves a Jew, because that's anti-Semitic. It gives a free pass to Jews to, well, take over the world, and its done quite on purpose. The Jews (Zionists) made the word have this meaning. The deeper you dig, the more evidence you uncover to support all the statements I have just made.