She wasn't a child (she was either 17 or 18 at the time) so you can drop the pedophile claim that we jump to here so quickly at times
Grand-niece means the granddaughter of one of his siblings. Weird to us. But not by India's standards (same with the age and polygamy thing)
It was only sexual in that they slept naked together. But they didn't touch each other. This was Ghandi's attempt to reawaken a chakra he believed he had lost, as he had not felt sexual desire for quite some time. He practiced brahmacharya, which was celibacy. And the girl said he was using the energy he derived from feeling sexual desire but not consummating it as a way to derive energy despite his grueling fastings.
Some of you just want everyone on earth to be a pedophile.
She wasn't a child so you can drop the pedophile claim that we jump to here so quickly at times
Grand-niece means the grandaughter of one of his siblings. Weird to us. But not by India's standards.
It was only sexual in that they slept naked together. But they didn't touch each other. This was Ghandi's attempt to reawaken a chakra he believed he had lost, as he had not felt sexual desire for quite some time. He was using the energy he derived from feeling sexual desire but not consummating it as a way to derive energy despite his grueling fastings.
Some of you just want everyone on earth to be a pedophile.