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This isn’t really new. It started with Obama in office but has as of late started up again with renewed vigor. It is a very nefarious agenda. According to them there are multiple genders but only two races: white and brown. The influx of all nonwhite races into our country is to create a white minority. This is happening to all nations that have had a white majority. It’s end goal is to eradicate all non elite palefaces from the face of the earth. The end game after the elimination of the pale ones will be to only have slaves left to serve the elite.

During the Obama reign they claimed that the brown people were underrepresented everywhere. As an example, a historical type movie that represented a history as it was that just had white characters was claimed racist. They began to replace these characters with all black people even though it didn’t represent the history. They could and did produce many all black films as they were protected against any claims of racism. Somehow only white people can be racist so they say. Projection at its finest.

Do understand that most black Americans are not part of this agenda. It is being pushed on them though by the elite social engineers to divide us. United we stand! Divided we fall! The objective is to destroy all nationalism in the world to make it much easier for the globalists to take control.

They are following a timeline to eliminate most of the earth’s population leaving behind only enough for slave labor. Because they believe in evolution, they are targeting all whites as they see them as an intellectual threat to their agenda. Evolutionary theory clearly claims that whites are intellectually superior. This is why the social engineers push black people into sports. They don’t believe they are smart enough for anything else. All of this is in total rebellion to The Creator of All. We are all created equal and are all of one blood. We are all distinctly human and created in the image of God for His glory. Evolution teaches that black people are only a step above the apes which is absolutely not true. We are distinct from the animals and were created to be far superior to them. We need to eliminate this evil evolutionary theory from our society. It’s purpose is purely to deny the Creator’s existence.

The Greatest Great Awakening is here right now. Not only is it a time to discover that we are slaves to an evil elite but that it is time to repent and turn our hearts back to our Heavenly Father. This is our only hope.

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

This isn’t really new. It started with Obama in office but has as of late started up again with renewed vigor. It is a very nefarious agenda. According to them there are multiple genders but only two races: white and brown. The influx of all nonwhite races into our country is to create a white minority. This is happening to all nations that have had a white majority. It’s end goal is to eradicate all non elite palefaces from the face of the earth. The end game after the elimination of the pale ones will be to only have slaves left to serve the elite.

During the Obama reign they claimed that the brown people were underrepresented everywhere. As an example, a historical type movie that represented a history as it was that just had white characters was claimed racist. They began to replace these characters with all black people even though it didn’t represent the history. They could and did produce many all black films as they were protected against any claims of racism. Somehow only white people can be racist so they say. Projection at its finest.

Do understand that most black Americans are not part of this agenda. It is being pushed on them though by the elite social engineers to divide us. United we stand! Divided we fall! The objective is to destroy all nationalism in the world to make it much easier for the globalists to take control.

They are following a timeline to eliminate most of the earth’s population leaving behind only enough for slave labor. Because they believe in evolution, they are targeting all whites as they see them as an intellectual threat to their agenda. Evolutionary theory clearly claims that whites are intellectually superior. This is why the social engineers push black people into sports. They don’t believe they are smart enough for anything else. All of this is in total rebellion to The Creator of All. We are all created equal and are all of one blood. We are all distinctly human and created in the image of God for His glory. Evolution teaches that black people are only a step above the apes which is absolutely not true. We are distinct from the animals and were created to be far superior to them. We need to eliminate this evil evolutionary theory from our society. It’s purpose is purely to deny the Creator’s existence.

The Greatest Great Awakening is here right now. Not only is it a time to discover that we are slaves to an evil elite but that it is time to repent and turn our hearts back to our Heavenly Father.

3 years ago
1 score