I think this was by design, to entice people to stay home, bankrupt small business, and help usher in the Great Reset
The design is Capitalism. This is literally what happens in late-stage Capitalism, because the only way to continually increase capital without spending money is exploitation.
Apparently Vienna has the highest “happiness” index of any city in the world, would love to use their system over here.
I think this was by design, to entice people to stay home, bankrupt small business, and help usher in the Great Reset
The design is Capitalism. This is literally what happens in late-stage Capitalism, because the only way to continually increase capital without spending money is exploitation.
Apparently Vienna has the highest “happiness” index of any city in the world, would love to use their system over here.
I think this was by design, to entice people to stay home, bankrupt small business, and help usher in the Great Reset
The design is Capitalism. This is literally what happens in late-stage Capitalism, because the only way to continually increase capital without spending money is exploitation.
Apparently Vienna has the highest “happiness” index of any country in the world, would love to use their system over here.
I think this was by design, to entice people to stay home, bankrupt small business, and help usher in the Great Reset
The design is Capitalism. This is literally what happens in late-stage Capitalism, because the only way to continually increase capital without spending money is exploitation.
Apparently Vienna has the highest “happiness” index of any country in the world, would love to use their system over here.
I think this was by design, to entice people to stay home, bankrupt small business, and help usher in the Great Reset
The design is Capitalism. This is literally what happens in late-stage Capitalism, because the only way to continually increase capital without spending money is exploitation.