At least now I know which of the many Telegram channels I follow was the one that's now suddenly called His Majesty Twelve, so thanks for that. It applies retroactively to old posts too so I couldn't figure out how to find that out.
Edit: OK there's an Info thing you can click to find the channel's link name which is still "realmj12" I am now educatified about that.
At least now I know which of the many Telegram channels I follow was the one that's now suddenly called His Majesty Twelve, so thanks for that. It applies retroactively to old posts too so I couldn't figure out how to find that out.
At least now I know which of the many Telegram channels I follow was the one that's now suddenly called His Majesty Twelve, so thanks for that. It applies retroactively so I couldn't figure out how to find that out.
At least now I know which of the many Telegram channels I follow was the one that suddenly called His Majesty Twelve, so thanks for that. It applies retroactively so I couldn't figure out how to find that out.