While we are on the Matrix topic, consider this:
The REAL story of the matrix is also an analogy about the deeper foundations of the Cabal.
We are seeing the Matrix in real time now, as the mechanisms of control by the Cabal over our populations and our lives is revealed more and more each day.
However, the foundations of this are all found in the scriptural revelation to humanity.
The Cabal is the extension of Lucifer, an archangel who fell in the Garden of Eden by tempting Eve to unite with him, then through Eve, tempting Adam to unite with him. Through those two acts, Lucifer fell to become Satan, and Eve and Adam were reborn as Satan's children. (This is obviously true - its the reason why we must be "reborn".)
When Lucifer tempted Eve, he murdered her, spiritually. (Spiritual death is separation from God, and an exiting from God's realm of governance and grace - comparable to induction into the "Matrix"). When Eve tempted Adam, she murdered him spiritually.
The entire scriptural message through both old and new testaments revolves around this dynamic: Adam, Eve, (Arch)angel.
To complete the salvation process, God and man must cooperate to restore these positions and these persons. (This is why Jesus is the 2nd Adam)
What happens in the Matrix, the first film?
First, we have a restored archangel. That's Morpheus. Working with him is a restored Eve, that's Trinity. They track down and liberate a fallen Adam (an Adam in the Matrix aka fallen reality), that's Neo.
Neo undergoes a restoration process, to become the One (symbolizing Christ perfecting himself through his sufferings). Christ is none other than Adam restored, Adam as he should have been, what Adam would have become if he had not fallen.
This is one of the main reasons why the Matrix is such a red pill. Not only does it almost perfectly work as a metaphor for waking up from the Cabal and a metaphor for the false reality of the world that they have groomed as the instruments of Satan, but it also illustrates these fundamental and essential truths relayed through the scripture, and manifests through those archetypes.
Adam, Eve, Archangel.
Original model: God gives command to Adam, Adam matures, Adam communicates command to Eve, Eve mantures, Lucifer (angel) attempts to tempt Eve due to his own inherent limitations, but Eve rebuffs, and God's perfect kingdom is ushered in via Adam as King, Eve as his Queen, and then all the angelic world united with their family.
Fallen Model: Lucifer is moved to tempt Eve due to his weaknesses, as an Angel unable to experience God's love to the level that Adam can. Eve rejects God;s command, unites with the Angel. Reborn as Satan's daughter. Fall 1.
Eve then goes to Adam, Adam rejects God's command, unites with Eve, who is now Satan's daughter, and is himself reborn through her as Satan's son. They create a family under Satan's governance and control.
Restored Model: God works through providence to rebuild a foundation to bring the New Adam. All positions must be restored conditionally: Angel, Eve, Adam. When this is done correctly, the New Adam can be sent by God.
(consider the story of Abraham using this paradigm. Abraham + Sarai + Pharaoh, also Abraham + Sarai + Abimalech.)
Thru Christ, men are to be reborn as restored Adams, women to be reborn as restored Eve's, and in unity with Christ, they must kick out the fallen angel (Satan) and bring him to submission, not only in spirit, but also in flesh - which is what we are seeing now.
In my opinion, The Matrix was an inspired miracle, definitely an intervention from God. Red Pill defined.
While we are on the Matrix topic, consider this:
The REAL story of the matrix is also an analogy about the deeper foundations of the Cabal.
We are seeing the Matrix in real time now, as the mechanisms of control by the Cabal over our populations and our lives is revealed more and more each day.
However, the foundations of this are all found in the scriptural revelation to humanity.
The Cabal is the extension of Lucifer, an archangel who fell in the Garden of Eden by tempting Eve to unite with him, then through Eve, tempting Adam to unite with him. Through those two acts, Lucifer fell to become Satan, and Eve and Adam were reborn as Satan's children. (This is obviously true - its the reason why we must be "reborn".)
When Lucifer tempted Eve, he murdered her, spiritually. (Spiritual death is separation from God, and an exiting from God's realm of governance and grace - comparable to induction into the "Matrix"). When Eve tempted Adam, she murdered him spiritually.
The entire scriptural message through both old and new testaments revolves around this dynamic: Adam, Eve, (Arch)angel.
To complete the salvation process, God and man must cooperate to restore these positions and these persons. (This is why Jesus is the 2nd Adam)
What happens in the Matrix, the first film?
First, we have a restored archangel. That's Morpheus. Working with him is a restored Eve, that's Trinity. They track down and liberate a fallen Adam (an Adam in the Matrix aka fallen reality), that's Neo.
Neo undergoes a restoration process, to become the One (symbolizing Christ perfecting himself through his sufferings). Christ is none other than Adam restored, Adam as he should have been, what Adam would have become if he had not fallen.
This is one of the main reasons why the Matrix is such a red pill. Not only does it almost perfectly work as a metaphor for waking up from the Cabal and a metaphor for the false reality of the world that they have groomed as the instruments of Satan, but it also illustrates these fundamental and essential truths relayed through the scripture, and manifests through those archetypes.
Adam, Eve, Archangel.
Original model: God gives command to Adam, Adam matures, Adam communicates command to Eve, Eve mantures, Lucifer (angel) attempts to temp due to his own inherent limitations, but Eve rebuffs, and God's perfect kingdom is ushered in via Adam as King, Eve as his Queen, and then all the angelic world united with their family.
Fallen Model: Lucifer is moved to tempt Eve due to his weaknesses, as an Angel unable to experience God's love to the level that Adam can. Eve rejects God;s command, unites with the Angel. Reborn as Satan's daughter. Fall 1.
Eve then goes to Adam, Adam rejects God's command, unites with Eve, who is now Satan's daughter, and is himself reborn through her as Satan's son. They create a family under Satan's governance and control.
Restored Model: God works through providence to rebuild a foundation to bring the New Adam. All positions must be restored conditionally: Angel, Eve, Adam. When this is done correctly, the New Adam can be sent by God.
(consider the story of Abraham using this paradigm. Abraham + Sarai + Pharaoh, also Abraham + Sarai + Abimalech.)
Thru Christ, men are to be reborn as restored Adams, women to be reborn as restored Eve's, and in unity with Christ, they must kick out the fallen angel (Satan) and bring him to submission, not only in spirit, but also in flesh - which is what we are seeing now.
In my opinion, The Matrix was an inspired miracle, definitely an intervention from God. Red Pill defined.
While we are on the Matrix topic, consider this:
The REAL story of the matrix is also an analogy about the deeper foundations of the Cabal.
We are seeing the Matrix in real time now, as the mechanisms of control by the Cabal over our populations and our lives is revealed more and more each day.
However, the foundations of this are all found in the scriptural revelation to humanity.
The Cabal is the extension of Lucifer, an archangel who fell in the Garden of Eden by tempting Eve to unite with him, then through Eve, tempting Adam to unite with him. Through those two acts, Lucifer fell to become Satan, and Eve and Adam were reborn as Satan's children. (This is obviously true - its the reason why we must be "reborn".)
When Lucifer tempted Eve, he murdered her, spiritually. (Spiritual death is separation from God, and an exiting from God's realm of governance and grace). When Eve tempted Adam, she murdered him spiritually.
The entire scriptural message through both old and new testaments revolves around this dynamic: Adam, Eve, (Arch)angel.
To complete the salvation process, God and man must cooperate to restore these positions and these persons. (This is why Jesus is the 2nd Adam)
What happens in the Matrix, the first film?
First, we have a restored archangel. That's Morpheus. Working with him is a restored Eve, that's Trinity. They track down and liberate a fallen Adam (an Adam in the Matrix aka fallen reality), that's Neo.
Neo undergoes a restoration process, to become the One (symbolizing Christ perfecting himself through his sufferings). Christ is none other than Adam restored, Adam as he should have been, what Adam would have become if he had not fallen.
This is one of the main reasons why the Matrix is such a red pill. Not only does it almost perfectly work as a metaphor for waking up from the Cabal and a metaphor for the false reality of the world that they have groomed as the instruments of Satan, but it also illustrates these fundamental and essential truths relayed through the scripture, and manifests through those archetypes.
Adam, Eve, Archangel.
Original model: God gives command to Adam, Adam matures, Adam communicates command to Eve, Eve mantures, Lucifer (angel) attempts to temp due to his own inherent limitations, but Eve rebuffs, and God's perfect kingdom is ushered in via Adam as King, Eve as his Queen, and then all the angelic world united with their family.
Fallen Model: Lucifer is moved to tempt Eve due to his weaknesses, as an Angel unable to experience God's love to the level that Adam can. Eve rejects God;s command, unites with the Angel. Reborn as Satan's daughter. Fall 1.
Eve then goes to Adam, Adam rejects God's command, unites with Eve, who is now Satan's daughter, and is himself reborn through her as Satan's son. They create a family under Satan's governance and control.
Restored Model: God works through providence to rebuild a foundation to bring the New Adam. All positions must be restored conditionally: Angel, Eve, Adam. When this is done correctly, the New Adam can be sent by God.
(consider the story of Abraham using this paradigm. Abraham + Sarai + Pharaoh, also Abraham + Sarai + Abimalech.)
Thru Christ, men are to be reborn as restored Adams, women to be reborn as restored Eve's, and in unity with Christ, they must kick out the fallen angel (Satan) and bring him to submission, not only in spirit, but also in flesh - which is what we are seeing now.
In my opinion, The Matrix was an inspired miracle, definitely an intervention from God. Red Pill defined.