🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: In another huge win for individual liberty and bodily autonomy, Mayor Deblasio’s absolutely unconstitutional vaccine order is stayed.
From @TracyBeanzOfficial
Stay = an action taken by a court to stop a legal proceeding or the actions of a party
EDIT: This is NOT for the order against private business - it is for city contractors and city employees.
Order referenced:
🚨🚨🚨BREAKING: In another huge win for individual liberty and bodily autonomy, Mayor Deblasio’s absolutely unconstitutional vaccine order is stayed.
From @TracyBeanzOfficial on Telegram
Stay = an action taken by a court to stop a legal proceeding or the actions of a party
EDIT: This is NOT for the order against private business - it is for city contractors and city employees.
Order referenced: