So you're going to accuse me of lying, and then claim that you only visit Reddit "from time to time when it's linked here"? Do you think I entered this conversation with you without knowing exactly who you are and what you're doing over on Reddit? I am fully aware that this isn't the first time we've talked. :)
I'm not claiming to represent Reddit, nor am I claiming that Reddit is representative of a rational and intelligent counter-response to Q. I am claiming only on behalf of myself and other people who spend time looking at Q stuff and disagreeing with it. I was a member of 8chan's Q stuff shortly after Q started posting, before I ever made a Reddit account. You've decided to focus on Reddit and their position on things without them ever having been brought up here.
And of course I'm listening to Q researchers. I've been around this community longer than many, if not most, of the current userbase. I'm here, listening, reading your stuff.
I am sorry that you aren't interested in having further conversations. Please let me know if you change your mind.
So you're going to accuse me of lying, and then claim that you only visit Reddit "from time to time when it's linked here"? Do you think I entered this conversation with you without knowing exactly who you are and what you're doing over on Reddit? I am fully aware that this isn't the first time we've talked. :)
I'm not claiming to represent Reddit, nor am I claiming that Reddit is representative of a rational and intelligent counter-response to Q. I am claiming only on behalf of myself and other people who spend time looking at Q stuff and disagreeing with it. I was a member of 8chan's Q stuff before I ever made a Reddit account. You've decided to focus on Reddit and their position on things without them ever having been brought up here.
And of course I'm listening to Q researchers. I've been around this community longer than many, if not most, of the current userbase. I'm here, listening, reading your stuff.
I am sorry that you aren't interested in having further conversations. Please let me know if you change your mind.
So you're going to accuse me of lying, and then claim that you only visit Reddit "from time to time when it's linked here"? Do you think I entered this conversation with you without knowing exactly who you are and what you're doing over on Reddit? I am fully aware that this isn't the first time we've talked. :)
I'm not claiming to represent Reddit, nor am I claiming that Reddit is representative of a rational and intelligence counter response to Q. I am claiming only on behalf of myself and other people who spend time looking at Q stuff and disagreeing with it. I was a member of 8chan's Q stuff before I ever made a Reddit account. You've decided to focus on Reddit and their position on things without them ever having been brought up here.
And of course I'm listening to Q researchers. I've been around this community longer than many, if not most, of the current userbase. I'm here, listening, reading your stuff.
I am sorry that you aren't interested in having further conversations. Please let me know if you change your mind.