Avoid processed foods. These do not give life but take it. It takes awhile to retrain our tastebuds away from the overstimulation artificial flavors provide. Organic whole foods give life. Variety is very important. Vegetables build our bodies. Fruits cleanse. Fulfill sugar cravings with sweet ripe fresh fruits. The longer you stay away from junk food and other processed foods the more you will crave natural foods. Your body will begin to thrive on the nutritional boost you get from natural foods and you will not only lose your cravings for junk it will even eventually taste gross to you. Nuts and avocados are good sources of fats. Use organic butter rather than artificial margarines. I hope you have a successful journey to a long and healthy life.
Avoid processed foods. These do not give life but take it. It takes awhile to retrain our tastebuds away from the overstimulation artificial flavors provide. Organic whole foods give life. Variety is very important. Vegetables build our bodies. Fruits cleanse. Fulfill sugar cravings with sweet ripe fresh fruits. The longer you stay away from junk food and other processed foods the more you will crave natural foods. Your body will begin to thrive on the nutritional boost you get from natural foods and you will not only lose your cravings for junk it will even eventually taste gross to you. Nuts and avocados are the sources of fats. Use organic butter rather than artificial margarines. I hope you have a successful journey to a long and healthy life.