Thank you! I have been looking for info an real reasons that this disease occurs. There is so much information & just have not found a common denominator.
Seems like anti paracitics is a good first step to explore.
I have never heard of mebendazole, thank you for that research. I will look further into it too.
There is a chiropractor in FL who claims they have cured T1D in multiple patients. I need to get their information again. My baby bro acquired T1D & their youngest son picked it up too recently. He has gone to speak with this guy & had my nephew treated. They are still working on it, though there was a wealth of information that my brother picked up about potential root causes & common denominators for diabetics.
Thank you for the Faustman lab link. I will check into that as well. Once I chat up my brother again I will come back & reply to you with additional info from his conversation. I was at a pool party for my son the day he was talking about it & didn't get any notes to recall specifics.
Edit-Just read an article about Fausman. That is some incredibly interesting stuff.
Thank you! I have been looking for info an real reasons that this disease occurs. There is so much information & just have not found a common denominator.
Seems like anti paracitics is a good first step to explore.
I have never heard of mebendazole, thank you for that research. I will look further into it too.
There is a chiropractor in FL who claims they have cured T1D in multiple patients. I need to get their information again. My baby bro acquired T1D & their youngest son picked it up too recently. He has gone to speak with this guy & had my nephew treated. They are still working on it, though there was a wealth of information that my brother picked up about potential root causes & common denominators for diabetics.
Thank you for the Faustman lab link. I will check into that as well. Once I chat up my brother again I will come back & reply to you with additional info from his conversation. I was at a pool party for my son the day he was talking about it & didn't get any notes to recall specifics.