For anyone who might ever face a situation where they are pressured or forced to have a "psyche eval" --
If necessary, meet with the psychologist.
The moment they ask the first question, you reply, "I cannot be forced to be a witness against myself, as that would violate my rights, secured by the Constitution. I stand on my 5th Amendment rights, and I have nothing further to say to you. Goodbye."
Get up, and walk away.
They cannot use your statement against you, or claim that you refused a legal obligation, since you have no legal obligation to talk to anyone for any reason.
Good luck, OP. When appropriate, you can show factual evidence to back up your opinons, and then ask the other side to provide factual evidence to back up theirs. They won't. They will refuse. Then, you point out that YOU are not the one refusing to have a discussion, THEY are. Over time, it is the only way to get through.
For anyone who might ever face a situation where they are pressured or forced to have a "psyche eval" --
If necessary, meet with the psychologist.
The moment they ask the first question, you reply, "I cannot be forced to be a witness against myself, as that would violate my rights, secured by the Constitution. I stand on my 5th Amendment rights, and I have nothing further to say to you. Goodbye."
Get up, and walk away.
They cannot use your statement against you, or claim that you refused a legal obligation, since you have no legal obligation to talk to anyone for any reason.
Good luck, OP. When appropriate, you can show factual evidence to back up your opinons, and then ask the other side to provide factual evidence to back up theirs. They won't. They will refuse. Then, you point out that YOU are not the one refusing to have a disucssion, THEY are. Over time, it is the only way to get through.