Haha. When I was a kid, my old man got me a rifle like in the Christmas story. I asked, "Won't I shoot my eye out like ralph?" My Pa is a Marine Rifle & Pistol Expert to boot.
His response "Well, only if you're a dumbass and ignore what I'm about to teach you." ROFL. Got to say I loved going to the shooting galleries in the theme parks. They told me I couldn't play anymore even I paid the fee to play. Free prizes.
I still shoot BB guns in the backyard for fun. And my nephews and nieces love it when I do when they visit. Also, teaching them what my Pa taught me.
Haha. When I was a kid, my old man got me a rifle like in the Christmas story. I asked, "Won't I shoot my eye out like ralph?" My Pa is a Marine Rifle Expert to boot.
His response "Well, only if you're a dumbass and ignore what I'm about to teach you." ROFL. Got to say I loved going to the shooting galleries in the theme parks. They told me I couldn't play anymore even I paid the fee to play. Free prizes.
I still shoot BB guns in the backyard for fun. And my nephews and nieces love it when I do when they visit. Also, teaching them what my Pa taught me.