Literally EVERY substance known to man is "lethal" if given in a high enough dose over a short enough time frame - even water (see article on Water intoxication: The LD50 (lethal dose to 50% of the population if everyone took that amount) for IVM is approximately 45 mg/kg. Each tube of 1.87% IVM "horse" paste has 113.7 mg of IVM if you took the hole tube in one dose. Simple math, LD50 of "horse" for a 200-pound human would equate to 9000 mg or just over 79 tubes (taken all at once, BTW) - so yes, one could technically die from taking too much horse paste but they would have to be trying REALLY hard to do it unless they are allergic to it.
Literally EVERY substance known to man is "lethal" if given in a high enough dose over a short enough time frame - even water (see article on Water intoxication: The LD50 (lethal dose to 50% of the population if everyone took that amount) for IVM is approximately 45 mg/kg. Each tube of 1.87% IVM "horse" paste has 113.7 mg if you took the hole tube in one dose. Simple math, LD50 of "horse" for a 200-pound human would equate to 9000 mg or just over 79 tubes (taken all at once, BTW) - so yes, one could technically die from taking too much horse paste but they would have to be trying REALLY hard to do it unless they are allergic to it.
Literally EVERY substance known to man is "lethal" if given in a high enough dose over a short enough time frame - even water (see article on Water intoxication: The LD50 (lethal dose to 50% of the population if everyone took that amount) for IVM is approximately 8800 mg. Each tube of 1.87% IVM "horse" paste has 113.7 mg if you took the hole tube in one dose. Simple math, LD50 of "horse" paste would equate to just over 77 tubes - so yes, one could technically die from taking too much IVM but they would have to be trying REALLY hard to do it unless they are allergic to it.