Sounds like some military, both past and present, need to wind up in Quantanomo. We need to have an election system that is fool proof that all can trust. Just because Ex-military or one party affiliation doesn’t like the results, because they have always determined illegally who will be in power, does not give them the right to stage a coup. How about retired military also adding that the top brass focus on defense instead of political correctness, wokeism, and catering to the weak gay agenda. Do you really think these attributes make for a strong military?
Sounds like some military, both past and present, need to wind up in Quantanomo. We need to have an election system that is fool proof that all can trust. Just because Ex-military or one party affiliation doesn’t like the results, because they have always determined illegally who will be in power, does not give them the right to stage a coup.
Sounds like some military, both past and present, need to wind up in Quantanomo.