Remember the video created of the Queen last Christmas, yet it wasn't the Queen? Could this be the same, its not really Trump, it is an illusion? Please tell me it is an illusion???? Computer generated graphic? Something is not right. and I do not believe Trump was with Bill OReilly or that he would encourage the vac, its deepstate fakery!!
Remember the video created of the Queen last Christmas, yet it wasn't the queen? Could this be the same, its not really Trump, it is an illusion? Please tell me it is an illusion???? Computer generated graphic? Something is not right. and I do not believe Trump was with Bill OReilly or that he would encourage the vac, its deepstate fakery!!
Remember the video created of the Queen last Christmas, yet it wasn't the queen? Could this be the same, its not really Trump, it is an illusion? Please tell me it is an illusion???? Computer generated graphic? Something is not right.
Remember the video created of the Queen, yet it wasn't the queen? Could this be the same, its not really Trump, it is an illusion? Please tell me it is an illusion???? Computer generated graphic? Something is not right.